The Home of Crossfit Slade

Fitness Syndicate was formed from a garage discussion between close friends that have a love of all things CrossFit and fitness.

Fitness Syndicate’s vision from the beginning was very simple, ​Be the most welcoming, supportive and inclusive community based CrossFit box that we could possibly be and never forget where we started from.

We welcome everyone with smiles and acceptance. We see our members as family and hope that Fitness Syndicate feels like a home away from home.

We are truly proud of what we have built, what we stand for and what we deliver to our community.

Fitness Syndicate Vision Statement

To be the most supportive and inclusive community based fitness establishment in Brisbane.

Fitness Syndicate Mission Statement

Our team strives to provide a strong, community focused facility, invested in each individual and their fitness outcomes. Our qualified and dedicated team bring together proven coaching methods to offer a motivational, authentic training experience in a fun, safe and inclusive environment. Every person, of any fitness level, their families, friends and community support network are always welcome at Fitness Syndicate.

Fitness Syndicate Purpose Statement

To help people improve their life through fitness and connection.




The Team

Full of heart and always ready for hard work, Rene is a once in a life time coach. She will fight for your success, qualified and an expert coach her community of athletes follow her and for good reason.

From a young age Joel was immersed in competitive sports, finding success both here and overseas in Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Capoeira and Muay Thai. His passion for sport and fitness led him to a career in personal training and the discovery of his ultimate love of training and coaching CrossFit and the philosophy behind the sport.

Joel brings the experience of owning and managing his own CrossFit affiliate, many years as a sought after trainer and coach and all of his knowledge and passion to the table for every member every day.

Bonnie started Olympic lifting at 12 years old which lead to her passion about all things strength and fitness. She quickly discovered that the greatest part of sport is the bonds you create with others in your community so Crossfit was a natural next step when she decided to start coaching. She completed her Bachelor of Exercise Science in 2019.

Sarah With a background in high-performance coaching, para-sports and rehabilitation - Sarah is an Exercise Physiologist who’s integrative approach considers both clinical and Crossfit methods. She is now dedicated to improve accessibility and participation in fields such as Adaptive Crossfit, Women’s Health and Condition/ Injury management for return to sports. Her passion for Crossfit manifested in launching her business, “Rehab RXD” which now operates both privately and from Fitness Syndicate, allowing her to provide a holistic approach to existing members and new-comers ready to make a positive change.


Fitness Syndicate welcomes all drop in visitors with CrossFit experience.

If this is your first time doing CrossFit, please email or contact us on 0402 778 401

$20 per session